Wednesday, January 30, 2008

how little minds work

Yesterday morning 10 am rolled around and Liam had still not woken up. He came in our room around 4:30 and asked to sleep on the floor (that is his new thing, so now we have a permanent "bed" on the floor for him). At 10 I decided to peak into our room and see if there was any movement. I saw Liam on our bed, under the blanket. I went in there and I saw that his eyes were open. I asked if I could lay down next to him and he said yeah. I snuggled up next to him and he looked up at me and said in a quiet little voice, "Mom, my stomach hates me!"
I asked him if his stomach hurt and he said yes, and then 30 seconds later he threw up! Luckily he only threw up twice that morning, he fell asleep soon after and woke up fine.
I just thought that was a realy funny way to describe how his stomach felt! He has the most creative and outlandish ways of saying things sometimes!