Saturday, January 12, 2008

And this makes 3!

This is my third post for the day - but you'll be glad to know it doesn't include any pictures!!!! :)
Today I'm sad. My little sister and best friend has recently left for Costa Rica for a semester of study abroad. I'm so excited for her new adventure, but I'm sad because we can't talk on the phone!!!! Jill and I used to talk on the phone about 3 times a day. That may seem crazy, and maybe it is. Our conversations weren't always meaningful and important, infact they were usually about nothing! Most of the time we made fun of each other, made fun of our mom, made fum of Zach and made fun of each other again. Don't worry it is all in good fun - well some times we really meant the things we said HA!
I'm not sad that she is there - I'm really excited for her and I'm proud of her for being so brave. I hope her Spanish improves to the level she is working toward and I hope she makes life long friends. I hope she experiences every aspect of the country and its people and learns to love her brothers and sisters in that part of the world.
I love Jill because she is always up for an adventure! She isn't afraid to get out of her comfort zone and really challenge herself. She is close to her family but not emotionally dependent on them. I feel sorry for poeple who don't take advantage of everything in this life and in this amazing world that was created for us to explore. Jill is brave and she is some one I look up to.
I hope she gets out of her trip everything she was looking for. But mostly.....


Allie said...

Oh yay! We are finally on your blog! I feel so special! Okay, I love Arie's pigtails, could she look cuter if she tried! It looks like yall had a super fun christmas! I love Liam inspecting the food, what a great pic that is! I also love the new background on your blog, did you download that? You are quite a blogging professional! We miss yall tons! Allie

Kirkhams said...

So I've heard you posted tons so I had to see for myself. I LOVE Arie's pigtails!!! You'll see Saryn's in a bout 2 years. I want to hear more on the Thai massge time I want to go!

Amber Larsen said...

Don't worry al i'll make fun of you anytime!!

Allie said...

Hey there! I am lovin that you love taking personality tests! I think it is so fun to do and to read other peoples and compare! My roomies and I used to sit around and talk about this stuff all the time! I love your firey redness! Kel must love the romantic passionate gal that you are! You are definitely more fun than me! I will say though that ever since I quit work, I am becoming more and more spontaneous! Okay I will paste the orange description to this comment for now and then figure out how to add it to my blog. Sean is a yellow. What is Kel? Did you look at Brianna and TOdd's? He is a black, it is hilarious to read!'s the orange.....
You're a bold, confident orange. A warm, powerful color that indicates a strong, welcoming personality, orange is the mark of people who are social and extroverted by nature. Vibrant, with an upbeat attitude, you have a bright, inviting demeanor. Energetic and fun-loving, you're a real friend-magnet. Your easy charm and unassuming manner make you the sort of person people want to meet and get to know better. Well-rounded and fun to be around, you enjoy helping others, so it's no surprise that orange also symbolizes attraction. Orange is an extraordinary color — for an extraordinary person.

Allie said...

Check out these results from the eye one! Either I was answering wrong, or they haven't seen how much mascara I go through!......

Kind and genuine, you're the sort of gal who's always looking out for others and being a great friend. You have a big heart and can't help but open it up to those you're close with. When you're that pretty on the inside, you can't help but be beautiful on the outside, too.

When it comes to makeup, you like to keep things light and low-key. But that doesn't mean you don't enjoy getting dolled up on special occasions. And when you do, we'd guess you only add to your already sparkling and sweet self. You glow girl!

Hee hee hee! Love ya!

eyre blog said...

Sorry Jill's gone. I'd love to be there when you talk to her just to watch you laugh.
Thanks for posting pictures. I couldn't figure out who the little girl was with Kelly until I saw the next picture. What a CUTE little girl with her pigtails. Love you guys.