Saturday, March 1, 2008

New post coming soon...

We jsut returned from Bali yesterday and we are all still really exhausted, with piles and piles and piles of laundry to do. Hopefully I'll get some pictures put up soon though.
I would be a HUGE understatement to say it was amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Kirkhams said...

I'm so sorry about your black eye, but I love that you included it on the fashion post and it has a funny story to go with it. I was laughing out loud at my computer and surprised myself. You're a comedian Aly!!Did you get our Valentines?

Kirkhams said...

Happy Anniv. on the 24th!

Allie said...

You are such a tease....where is this new post, I look for it everyday! I can't wait to see the pics from Bali! Are Dave and Terrell coming to see yall? I am jealous if they are, we wish we could come play with yall!