Monday, March 24, 2008

Thanks Tiffany - I was bored...

10 years ago......
I was in .... 10th grade at Cy Creek HS
My BFF was Jessica (still is) and my family had just gotten our sweet little puppy Thor (you wil be missed Thor RIP)

5 things on my "To Do" list:
1. DO THE DISHES!!!!!! It is so bad I'm embarressed!
2. Do the laundry - it seems like that is ALWAY on my to do list.
3. Pick up our transmission from the airport!
4. Help Liam pick up the toy room ( i cant wait unil Arie is helping too)
5. Eat something!

5 Snacks I enjoy:
1. super salty edamame
2. no bake cookies
3. ice cold Dr. Pepper ( nothing is better than this)
4. popcorn with tabasco sauce
5. Easter candy - I can't wait until it is gone so this is no longer a temptation for me.

What I would do if I was given a billion dollars?
1. Pay tithing
2. Pay off all our debt!
3. set aside money for my kids to go to school and live comfortably (they will till have to have jobs though)
4. go back to school and get multiple degrees in all of my areas of interest
5. Let Kel retire so we could spend our life traveling together and doing humanitarian work in third word countries.
6.(I had to add one more) set up state of the art clinic and home in Country of Jill's choosing so she start her dream of saving the children of the world!

5 places I have lived:
1. Houston, TX
2. Lubbock, TX
3. Phoenix, AZ
4. Hilton Resort Guam
5. Yona, Guam

5 jobs I have had:
2. Telemarketer (that lasted about 3 hours)
3. Waitress
4. Apartment leaser
5. MAKEUP ARTIST (can you tell that ones my fav?)

5 things people don't know about me:
1. I broke my neck once
2. I have a crazy fear of sharks and being murdered
3. I LOVE LOVE LVOE watching Shark Week on the Discovery channel
4. I burn incennse in my house all the time ( and no Kel and I aren't smoking doobies, I just love the smell)
5. I have a small fear a flying - but that will never stop me from seeing this beauitful world!


The Anglesey Family said...

I am honored you would include my survey on your blog. I feel so popular!!! I am going to try popcorn with tabasco sauce....TONIGHT! Because I am really board as well.

I have watched the entire season of Americans Next Top model today. Ya...I know...Its been such a productive day.
Talk with you soon! Tif

Clint, Marianne, Sage, Charlotte, Emery and Ivy said...

What did you break your neck??!
And you were a make up artist??? Please please please, next time we see each other will you teach me how to put on make up, especially eye shadow?? I have mascara down but that's about it and every time I try to put something else on I end up looking like a hooker.

Clint, Marianne, Sage, Charlotte, Emery and Ivy said...

WHAT??! Dave's getting married??! When? To who? What?

Jenni said...

We love incense too, until I got the stomach flu and now the smell just reminds me of being sick! So, you have a fear of sharks but you love to watch shark week? That's quite the oximoron!