Saturday, February 16, 2008

Kel and Aly

I got this from Brianna and Todd's page... in honor of Valentines Day I thought I would fill this out...

Who eats more? Wow this one is hard. I can definitly keep up with Kel, but on a daily basis it is for sure Kelly.
Who said I love you first? That would be Kel. I was thinking it in my head when he said it. But when he actually said it out loud I thought "What a weirdo! It is way to soon to know that!" I said it right after though!
Who is taller? - Kelly of course! Even in my highest heels he is taller and I love that about him :)
Who is smarter? Well Kel definitly has a lot of common sense that I usually don't have.. and Kel would say that I'm smarter... so street smarts its Kel, book smarts moi!
Who does the laundry? UGH!!!!!!!!! I do!!! I hate it. Kel would help out more but he says I'm too particular about the way I fold things so he is afraid to it wrong. Sometimes I think that is an excuse to not help out, but I really am that crazy about the way things are folded.
Who pays the bills? Kelly for sure! I don't even want to think about that stuff!
Who sleeps in the right side? If you are facing the bed I sleep on the left. But when Kelly is gone over night I usually sleep on his side because it smells like him (ok that made me sound like the biggest stalker)
Who mows the lawn? We actually don't have to take care of any property right now - but if we did it would be Kelly. If we ever get a riding mower then I want to do it every now and then just cause it seems fun.
Who cooks dinner? I do about 95% of the time. Lately the idea of cooking makes me a little suicidal so Kelly has been pulling up the slack!
Who does the dishes? Honestly kelly does it the most! The rule is if I cook then he does the clean up. But he does the dishes A LOT!!!! I'm so lucky. We don't have dishwasher where we live so it is a BIG DEAL!!!!!!
Who drives? That is definitly split down the middle
Who is more stubborn? I'm sure kelly would quickly say me. And I do not deny it. I come from a VERY long line of stubborn people. But my sweet hub is every bit as stubborn as I am. It can be frusterating when we disagree. But I respect strong personalities.
Who kissed who first? Kel kissed me of course! I held out for a while and on our third date I let him! HAHAHA
Who asked who out first? We were set up, so, neither! We both tried getting out of the date for months!! Then we finally gave into the pressure. But Kel asked me out our second date. I was not surprised LOL!!!!
Who proposed? Kel did! It was awesome!
Who has more friends? Kel has alot of CLOSE friends and best friends. I guess he wins that one. I have a lot of friends. But he has a lot more close friends than I do.
Who is more sensitive? I would have to say Kelly. I think he wishes I was more sensitive sometimes. I'm sensitive but it takes a lot to get me emotional or upset - or I have to be pregnant :)
Who has more siblings? Kelly does. There are 4 kids in his family, 3 in mine. But I would definitly say I've adopted his family and he has adopted mine. Infact I think my sibs would claim him over me now! :)
Who wears the pants? much to Kelly's dismay he married into a family of strong outspoken women. I would say we both wear the pants. I would never go against what he says, but we both make important decisions and I'm not afraid to speak my mind.

So there you have it. That was fun. After reading that I think.. poor Kelly!!! JUST KIDDING!!!!! Well sort of.... :)


Clint, Marianne, Sage, Charlotte, Emery and Ivy said...

I love reading stuff like this! And you're totally right...Kel can be super stubborn!! It's a Naylor thing, we all have it!

Allie said...

Love it! What a fun read! I was smiling reading your description of the two of you! Yall truly make the perfect match, I am so glad Kel found you and made you my sis in law! You know how I feel about strong women with opinions and how I too come from a long line of that! I love it! We thought about you guys while we were at Disney this weekend and how we are so excited to have yall as travel buddies for the rest of our lives, we need to get that tradition started! Love ya, Allie

Briana said...

Love it! As you know I am a very strong opinionated person as well. I usually do it behind closed doors :) Hope all is going well.