Thursday, November 6, 2008

Election 2008

Well another Presidential Election is over. I'm sure many of you are disappointed by the results while some are very excited. I myself wasn't thrilled about either one of the prospects. Our new President - President Obama! While I don't agree with him on a lot of things, I have to say I'm so excited to see our nations first black president! I have had chills watching all the celebrations on TV for him. No matter how this election went history was going to be made, and it was really exciting to see which way it would go. I have to admit that although I wouldn't have voted for Obama, I'm so excited to see our country in a place where we will elect a black president.
I have always struggled with racism. Not struggled in the sense where I have felt like a racist!!! FAR FROM IT! I am APPALLED by any sort of racism and ignorance. It disgusts me the same way that sexual abuse and abuse of animals and children disgusts me. I have a really hard time being around people who make racist comments or who are close minded to the fact that we really are all the same. I hope all of those people have their feet in their mouths now. Of course those people will be the first to say when he messes up that it is because he is black. BOO on those people!
I do have a concern though that the history books won't be fair and balanced to Mr. Obama. He is such a media darling that no matter what he does, bad or good, they are going to LOVE him. Like I said I don't agree with all of his policies and ideas - but for me this post is not about that. I am really just so excited to see our country here in this place. I'm so excited that I'm alive to see something like this. I'm so happy that my children will see him as president, even if he does mess up. Hopefully it will make it harder for them to learn any sort of ignorance and judgement towards a persons race.
Racism is disgusting. It comes from fear, ignorance and insecurity. Those are three qualities that I can hopefully keep my kids away from. It is obvious that everyone in the nation wanted a change. I know that Obama wasn't the change that everyone wanted. I don't want a lot of the changes he says he wants either. But I do love the change of the face of this nation! We have always been told to pray for our leaders - lets continues to do that! We should pray for them whether we agree with them or not. We should pray for their safety and for their strength and health. Our country has taken a huge step forward in some ways. I hope he does a good job. I know I won't agree with him every step of the way but I hope he is good for this nation, because we really need something good right now.


Ash said...

so funny...I just posted something very similar to your post! Isn't it grand! I can only imagine being black right now....especially a 106 year old black woman. WOW

Amber Larsen said...

I agree. And I LOVE LOVE LOVED Kelli's costume. What a trooper! And I loved that Liam really acted like batman; that kid is so cute. I want to run my fingers through his hair!! HA!

Allie said...

Love the Halloween pics! Kel and Liam made the perfect pair! Your family is too cute! How are you feeling? I hope it is getting better. I am still trying to figure out this tag thing to do, so I will do it soon! Kiss Liam and Arie for me! Love, Allie

eyre blog said...

Love, love, love reading your thoughts about this. I'll pray for 'em! Seriously though.

Kelly- you rock the costume and the coolest dad world!!

Kirkhams said...

I'm still laughing at ,um, Robin!! Those muscles of his just pop! What a good sport smelly is! I agree with history in the making and I agree with lots of your same thoughts on the issue! I hope this whole things turns out better than some of us may think.

Miss you guys!

Briana said...

Hey you need to start posting pictures of your cute belly. How are you feeling anyway?

Wendy said...

Well, you're a lot more optimistic than I am. It is a neat thing seeing the first black president in office--just hope he does a good job. You are right--the only thing we can do it pray for him!