Thursday, April 3, 2008

Sad day of shots....

Well we took the kids to the doctor yesterday. Arie was a little bit behind in her shots, and Liam needed a clean bill of health for his new school. We thought Liam would get his ears looked at and Arie would probably get a couple shots. Sadly the visit was not that easy. Arie ended up needing five shots!!!!!! Actually they gave her some early so we didn't have to come back in 2 months. But 5 SHOTS!!!!!!!! It was sooooooooooooo sad! Liam also got three shots, and a TB skin test TB is so prevalent here on island so every child must have one in order to get into school. Those aren't that bad but he still didn't like it. He did pretty well with the shots. He cried but he go over it fast! Arie on the other hand, holds onto her anger! Who could blame her though with 5!!!!!! It was so sad watching her. Liam was crying while watching her too. It was sweet, but also sad. Good thing they have candy at the doctors office because my kids would never go back if they didn't have a reward at the end.
Liam's visit was really involved. Usually to get a clean bill of health they just just check the past records of visits, look in their ears, nose, eyes, throat, check their temp... the usual. But this time the Doctor did a really involved visit. She was asking him all kinds of questions and checking his fine motor skills. Most of the motor skills she was quizzing him on were for age four. He actually got all of them! I was even surprised by the things he was doing! I don't really work on that stuff with my kids - I don't want to stress them or myself out. Most kids do things at their own pace, so why stress out or make them feel bad about themselves. I have a neighbor who is an occupational and speech therapist - I told her one day to just tell me if she thought Liam as behind for any reason. I don't really know what to look for anyway. But watching Liam do everything that doctor asked him was really funny! He was having so much fun with it! Who knew fine motor skills were fun!
When she was testing Arie's motor skills it went a little different. Arie did really well, but she didn't buy into the "game" situation. After a while she just got really pissed that the doctor was trying to get her to do stuff. The doctor even laughed about it! Arie could do what the doc wanted her to do, but she wouldn't do it for long. She would look at the doctor and wrinkle her brow and then yell! I guess she just didn't have time for all that hul-a-bah-loo!!!!!! It was so funny. The doctor laughed and then said "She must be pretty smart actually to not fall for any of this." I think that was the doctors nice way of saying "WOW your 16 month old daughter has WAY TOO MUCH ATTITUDE!"
I already knew that!


Briana said...

I can't believe Arie is 16 months. That blew me away to hear you say that. I am sorry Liam had to get 5 shots! Your kids are so cute though and I cant' believe how big they are getting.

Kirkhams said...

I think Saryn and Arie could be all sorts of trouble when they get together. Allie described Saryn as one of those cute little puppies, but when you go to pet it, it bites your head off. There is a lot of truth to that! I think I'd rather handle this age though, rather than in 15 yrs. Stinkers.

Jana said...

I'm so sad for you. There's nothing worse than seeing your kids in pain. At least your kids like each other though!!!

Allie said...

Oh my poor little niece and nephew! Shots are no fun. Sounds like the rest of the appointment was hilarious though! I love picturing Arie screaming at the doctor! You tell her girl!

The Anglesey Family said...

I was just thinking about that the other day! Kory asked me to take our dog Fenway to get some shots and I told her no because I could not stand seeing him get poked. It was just then when I realized that soon I will be taking our son to get shots. It must be soo hard watching your child get shot after shot! Although you know whats best for them....Its still hard to watch!